Wawa Diamonds - CJP Exploration Inc.

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The following CJP Property is available for sale or option.
Wawa Diamonds
Dolson Township
Near Wawa, Ontario

One diamond recovered from a 7.8 kg sample of the dike.

The outcrop is low and rubbly on the north side of the road, and can be traced to the south side by following a boulder train. The kimberlite is dark green to black on weathered surface and contains mantle xenoliths and supracrustal inclusions. The surrounding intermediate metavolcanics appear to be tuffaceous and strongly deformed.

Geodex Minerals recovered a microdiamond from a 7.8 kg dike sample in 2002. Microprobe analysis of the dike has yielded Cr2O3 values up to 70.00 wt%.

CJP has performed a prospecting campaign on the property.  During this campaign, a kimberlite outcrop was located.  CJP has also acquired the LiDAR for this area and has identified additional outcrops that may host kimberlite and is planning additional prospecting to determine trends.

CJP Exploration Inc. 2024

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