Salerno Graphite - CJP Exploration Inc.

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The following CJP Property is available for sale or option.
Salerno Graphite
Cavendish Township
Near Peterborough, Ontario

Reported 1800 meter x 60-120 meter deformation zone with flake graphite on northern contact.

Graphite is hosted within graphite rich horizons within gneissic marbles near the contact with gneissic clastic metasedimentary rocks. The graphite-rich horizon lies along the north contact of the Salermo Creek Deformation Zone and is believed to extend 1800 m to the west and is up to 60-120 m in width. There is potential for several other parallel zones located to the north.

Chip and grab samples returned assays ranging from 28.1 Cg(%) over 0.1 m to 7.2 Cg(%) over 1.2 m. A 1.7 m channel sample returned 5.7 Cg(%).

CJP conducted a prospecting campaign along with flying an orthophoto.  The campaign failed to locate the historic trenches; however, a clearing was located and suspected to be a rehabilitated, stripped area.  Further research has provided an updated search area and further prospecting is being planned.   

CJP Exploration Inc. 2024

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