Kyle 3-4-5 - CJP Exploration Inc.

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The following CJP Property is available for sale or option.
Pre-Paleozoic kimberlites (Kyle type)

The Kyle-type kimberlites did not penetrate the Paleozoic cover. They were emplaced during the late Precambrian and were subjected to a fairly long period of erosion prior to the deposition of the Paleozoic rocks that cover them.   Five of these types of kimberlites have been found beneath 20 to 120 m of Paleozoic and Quaternary overburden. The ones that have been found are composed mainly of diatreme and hypabyssal material , which is highly magnetic.  They are, however, highly altered, and most of the typical indicator minerals have also been altered. These kimberlites are either conical or dykes with blows in morphology. However, this might be more a function of the geophysical modelling, which is looking for a cylindrical to rod-shaped body.

Kyle #3
BMA 532 854
Near Ring of Fire, Ontario

1733 diamonds recovered, including 2 marketable diamonds,
from 21 Drill Holes

The Kyle # 3 kimberlite is marked by a 270 nT magnetic anomaly on the ground that is 600 m long by 225 m wide. It is elongated in the east-northeast to west-southwest direction, with the widest and strongest part of the anomaly lying towards the eastern side of the centre.

Kyle #4
West of Missisa River Area
Near Ring of Fire, Ontario

17 diamonds recovered, including 2 marketable diamonds,
from 2 Drill Holes

The heli-mag survey outlined an 800 m diameter, almost circular isolated magnetic anomaly with a weak tail to the east.  The peak is 160nT above the background.  The magnetic anomaly on the ground is 240nT above the background and 400 m in diameter. A slight asymmetry to the magnetic pattern implies that the magnetic body plunges steeply to the southwest.  Computer modelling of the ground magnetic data resolved a 93 m diameter body at a depth of 115 m. One vertical hole and one inclined hole, south to north, have been drilled into this body.

Kyle #5
BMA 531 852
Near Ring of Fire, Ontario

1 diamond recovered
from 2 Drill Holes

The Kyle # 5 kimberlite is marked by a north-south elongated, a moderately strong but well-isolated heli-mag anomaly. The anomaly peak is 110 nT above the regional background and is 100 m east-west by 220 m north-south. The ground magnetic anomaly reaches a peak of 180 nT above the background. It is 600 m long by 400 m wide. Based on the ground magnetic data, the free fit computer model interpreted a 234 m by 25 m body with a steep dip to the east. Because of the suspected thin nature of the body, one hole inclined at 60 degrees to the west was initially drilled into the target.  In 1997, a hole was drilled beneath the first at 70 degrees intersecting the body.


CJP Exploration Inc. 2024

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