Cooper Lake - CJP Exploration Inc.

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The following CJP Property is available for sale or option.
Cooper Lake
Eldridge Township
Near Cobalt, Ontario

Historically reported assays of 10.2 opt Ag

Historically reported 25,000-pound bulk sample which averaged 5% Co

Two historic shafts have been reported on these claims, one located through a CJP prospecting campaign.   The historical notation of the shafts is they were driven to 40 feet and 80 feet, where they encountered the contact between the diabase and diorite.   They also reported a bulk sample of 25,000 pounds averaging 5% Cobalt.

CJP has performed one prospecting campaign on the property.  During this campaign, a highly mineralized outcrop was located and sampled (not yet assayed).  During the summer of 2024, CJP has plans for a second prospecting campaign along with flying an orthophoto.  With help from the LiDAR and orthophoto,  CJP hopes to locate the second shaft.

CJP Exploration Inc. 2024

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