Nordic Prospect - CJP Exploration Inc.

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The following CJP Property is available for sale or option.
Nordic Property
Roberts Township
Near Sudbury, Ontario

Historic - 22-tonne bulk sample at 0.38% U2O8

Historic - 10-tonne bulk sample at 0.25% U2O8

The main showing is reported to be 1500 feet long and 300 feet wide.  A 2-tonne bulk sample from shaft #1 averaged 0.38% U3o8.  A second 10-tonne bulk sample from shaft #2 returned 0.25% U3O8.  There is evidence of a lot of historical work being performed on the property; however, little work appears to be documented.   It is unknown if there were assays taken outside of the U and Th.

CJP conducted one prospecting campaign over the Nordic Property, in April.   Even though there was no snow two kilometres away, there was a foot of snow masking the property.   CJP successfully located numerous drill holes and historic workings along with some samples being collected, none of which have been sent for assay.

The LiDAR has also been acquired for the Nordic Property and an additional prospecting campaign is being planned, based on the LiDAR.

CJP Exploration Inc. 2024

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