Sudbury U - CJP Exploration Inc.

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The following CJP Property is available for sale or option.
Sudbury U
Creelman Township
Near Sudbury, Ontario

a radioactive zone was intersected between 25.4 and 66.5 feet in chloritized greywacke

At this location, a number of outcrops of rocks of the Mississagi Formation are exposed. Regionally, the sedimentary rocks strike about N50W and dip 40 to 70 northeast.

Historically, to test uranium mineralization, a number of pits and drill holes have been sunk on the large outcrop on the western side of the exposure. An apparently vertical contact with the Mississagi quartzite exposes a uranium-bearing conglomerate. Subangular to subrounded quartz pebbles, in the majority less than l inch in maximum dimension, in a quartz-greywacke matrix is interbedded with argillaceous beds. Some very large quartz cobbles and boulders are present, 30 to 80 percent of the rock may be composed of fragments. In places, pyrite occurs in stains but is not a major part of the matrix. Lenses containing pebbles, less than 1/4 inch in diameter, in a very fine-grained, pyritiferous, and micaceous matrix also occur. The following information is taken from assessment work files. In 1967, Assembly Mines Limited drilled two drill holes numbered A-23 and A-24, totalling 455 feet. In hole A-24 "a radioactive zone was intersected between 25.0 feet and 61.0 feet in chloritic greywacke and pebble conglomerate.  In hole A-23 "a radioactive zone was intersected between 25.4 feet and 66.5 feet in chloritic greywacke.


CJP Exploration Inc. 2024

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