Matarrow Mine - CJP Exploration Inc.

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The following CJP Property is available for sale or option.
Matarrow Mine
Yarrow Township
Near Matachewan, Ontario

57 meter shaft (capped) and 172-meters of drifting

Historic production 28,000 tonnes averaging 7.5% Pb and 3.5% Zn

The claims are on a northeast-trending zone of foliated metavolcanic rocks and banded iron formation. The banded iron formation is 60 m in width and extends for 2 km along the strike. It hosts sphalerite and galena bearing carbonate veins in "veined shatter zones".

The vein matter usually consists of altered, well-fractured, soft, chloritic material and contains calcite veining and galena-sphalerite mineralization. The vein proper frequently is characterized by a central replacement band of relatively massive, finely crystalline galena from one to two feet in width.  Galena is also noted on fractures and calcite seams over three feet or more widths on either side of the main mineralization.  Sphalerite tends to be largely disseminated through the more siliceous or cherty material on either side of the main galena mineralization. However, seams, stringers and clusters of massive sphalerite are associated with the galena.
Three additional holes have been drilled on these claims; however, most of the assay information is unavailable.    The core for these three holes is currently in storage and can be re-assayed.  Overburden stripping was also performed in the early 2000s but has never been evaluated.

CJP Exploration Inc. 2024

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