The following CJP Property is available for sale or option.

Cross Lake Zone
Sheraton Township
Near Timmins, Ontario
Near Timmins, Ontario
Historically reported 1-6% Zn over 3m and 1-3% Cu over 12m

These claims represent the historic Cross Lake Drilled Zone, which hosts 80+ drill holes, which CJP is in the process of georeferencing and modelling. The deposits consist of a steeply dipping zinc zone with an overlying copper zone. Zinc grades range between 1% to 6%, localized pods up to 18%, and silver grades up to 911 g/t over a true width of 3 meters. Copper grades of 1% to 3% have also been drilled with true widths up to 12 meters.

The predominant lithologies are felsic to intermediate volcaniclastic rocks consisting of ash tuff, lapilli tuff, crystal tuff and agglomerate with lesser volumes of massive or brecciated rhyolite and mafic tuffs. Thin, silica-rich finely laminated white units, possibly of exhalative origin, occur in proximity to the base metal-mineralized zones. Intrusive rock types consist of quartz feldspar, feldspar porphyry and diabase. The felsic volcanic sequence dips steeply southeast and faces southeast. The lowest unit intersected in the zone is the Tiger Stripe, which is a sheared porphyry or crystal tuff which displays regular, thin banding caused by layers of sericite.
Prospecting campaigns on the property have yet to locate outcropping; however, some of drill casings have been located and will help with georeferencing the remaining drill holes.