Nickleby Lake - CJP Exploration Inc.

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The following CJP Property is available for sale or option.
Nickleby Lake
Pickerel Lake Area
Near Atikokan, Ontario

Sample by OGS
1179 ppm Li, 2065 ppm Rb and 170 ppm Ta

This area has next to no previous exploration.  The sampling was done by the OGS and was never followed up on until recently.  

The OGS describes the site in OFR 6099 as " Tourmaline (magnesium-bearing schrol) was only found in garnet-biotite-muscovite potassic pegmatite at locality 01-FWB-126 (UTM 616775E, 5398791N, Zone 15).  The pegmatite dikes (10cm to 1m thick) contain quartz rich patches with blocky potassium feldspar up to 30cm in diameter.  Silvery muscovite books are 2cm thick and slender biotite blades are up to 20cm long and 1 to 2mm thick.  Bulk coarse-grained muscovite (up to 5cm across) in the quartz-rich patch contains 1179 ppm Li, 2065 ppm Rb and 170 ppm Ta.  The elevated Ta content is significant because the muscovite samples with >65 ppm Ta have a high probability to contain Ta-Nb mineralization.  Pegmatite dikes intrude grey fine to medium-grained muscovite-biotite granite.


CJP Exploration Inc. 2024

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